Culture Information
string.format also provides a method which accepts a CultureInfo argument, as an IFormatProvider. This is important when trying to write portable and localisable code, as, for example, month names will change according to the local culture of the machine you are running on. Rather than simply call the standard String.Format you should consider always calling the overloaded culture method. If you don't need to specify a culture you can use the System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture. This will then default your formatting to English, as opposed to the culture of the current thread.
string.format also provides a method which accepts a CultureInfo argument, as an IFormatProvider. This is important when trying to write portable and localisable code, as, for example, month names will change according to the local culture of the machine you are running on. Rather than simply call the standard String.Format you should consider always calling the overloaded culture method. If you don't need to specify a culture you can use the System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture. This will then default your formatting to English, as opposed to the culture of the current thread.